
Pet details

Name Colt Location Aberdeenshire
Age 1-2 years Sex Male
Breed Crossbreed Colour Agouti
Living with other rabbits I may be able to live with other rabbits Living with children I'd prefer to live with adults

Our absolute sook Colt is now ready to look for his new family.

Colt was an outdoor bunny only, he used to get very upset and stressed when indoors. He is now inside due to unforeseen circumstances and enjoying life inside although he would still be suitable to be outside as well. He has a very bright personality which is sometimes overshadowed by his sass. Sunbathing is one of his favourite things to do.

He is such a foodie and will eat pretty much everything given to him, he is gentle while eating a pile of kibble from our hands. The staff have taught him to 'spin' for a treat, keeping him active mentally and physically too. Calorific bribes can accomplish a lot.

We are looking for an experienced rabbit owner as Colt is got a massive personality. He does not do well with being picked up like a lot of other rabbits. Colt would need his own enclosure prior to any bonding and if the bonding was to be unsuccessful. As per the rabbit association guidelines the enclosure should measure 3m x 2m x 1m.

Help us to rehome this pet:



1-2 years