
Pet details

Name Boss Location Glasgow
Age 3-5 years Sex Male
Breed Colour Grey
Living with other dogs I'm not able to live with other dogs Living with cats I'm not able to live with cats
Living with children I may be able to live with older children

Boss is ready to show the world his amazing personality!

Boss has become a staff favourite! He is such a loving sweet boy who adores his cuddles on the couch!

He is a good walker, but may sometimes pull to say hello to dog friends - Boss is really dog friendly and his "hello" to other dogs may be loud when he's excited!

Boss has won the heart of most the staff at the centre, his quirky personality and goofy face makes everyone fall in love! He could potentially live with older children who are dog savvy.

Unfortunately, Boss does need a specific diet as he does suffer from allergies. The food keeps his coat in tip-top condition!

Does Boss sound like the perfect pooch for you?

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3-5 years